Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Hangover

Last summer when Tessa had surgery on her arm, she had a tough few days.  She didn't react well to either the anesthesia or medication or both and she spent a fun filled 36 hours throwing up and just sick.  It was hard for her and, frankly, for me as well, since there wasn't anything I could do but hold her hair and keep her stocked with towels.

Yesterday she needed to have a few cavities filled so we went with something called conscious sedation, where she drank a medication to relax her so she could get the required work done with little fuss.  She did great during the procedure - she didn't cry or fuss much, even though it took a while.  But once again she came home acting like she had just come off a bender.  She literally threw up every hour or so.  She could tolerate small sips of water and that's about it.  She went to bed at 7 pm and was restless throughout the night, finally throwing up for the last time about 4:30 am.  It's kind of pitiful but a lesson to me that Tessa really can't handle that kind of medication well.  William had the exact same thing done a few years ago and, other than feeling a little woozy until lunch, was fine.  Not Tessa.

She's definitely perking up today.  She has eaten a popsicle and some toast and is ordering me around like a pro.  I'm hopeful that she'll be back to school tomorrow - how sad is it that she will miss two days of school for a few cavities?  Let's just hope she follows my advice and avoids drinking when she is older - something tells me she won't react well at all.

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