Wednesday, February 1, 2012

You Win Some...

The Pinewood Derby was held last night for the Cub Scouts in the Hyde Park 1st Ward.  As usual, it was a highly anticipated event.  Jay was particularly thrilled as he had the job of supervising not one, but two boys as they planned and built a car. 

This year the theme was food.  The Wright boys went with an ice cream sandwich (Henry) and a slice of watermelon (William).

We always try to temper expectations of the outcome of these things.  The fact is, these cars are all about the same speed wise.  Our ward has a nice set up with an automatically timed track and the  times are typically within a half a second of each other.  Winning and losing isn't the point, but it's hard to tell a bunch of competitive boys that I guess.  Luckily my kids had good attitudes about the whole thing.  William's car placed 9th overall - right in the middle - and Henry's placed 16th - pretty close to last.  But they had fun racing their cars and watching all the fun designs that their friends came up with.

It was actually Henry's last Pinewood Derby, since next year at this time he'll be an official Boy Scout.  Not to worry though; we still have William to carry us through for two more years.

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