Thursday, February 9, 2012

No Pain, No Gain

I'm not nearly as thin as I used to be, but I'm 43, have three kids and love chocolate so I live with it.  I'm not too worried about what number my scale says or what size I am, to be honest.  I do exercise on a regular basis but I find that I care about being healthy so I make that my focus.  I do cardio a few times a week (we have an incline trainer - a treadmill that allows you to walk at pretty good inclines) and I do some light weights/exercise ball stuff for strength.  I'm not in killer shape but I feel good and healthy.

So it was with some surprise that I am hobbling around the house today after a short workout yesterday.  Some ladies from my ward and I got together and did some circuit training and it kicked my butt.  Seriously, I am walking around like a much older woman.  We only did a couple of exercises - jumping rope, Burpees, walking lunges and jumping on and off a step.  But I'm in some serious pain.  Apparently the fact that I can rock an hour long workout at 20+ percent inclines on my treadmill means nothing when it comes to these particular exercises.  The worst is going down stairs, which is a problem since I have a multi-level house and today was laundry day. 

My only goal for this evening is to squeeze every last bit of hot water from my faucet and hope that my muscles thank for me it tomorrow. 

Whoever invented walking lunges is evil.

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