Friday, March 16, 2012

William's World

William is such an awesome kid.  He is smart, funny and clever.  We love him so much.

He can be exhausting.

Today he is sick.  Not terribly sick - woke up with a headache that was a low grade temp.  No nausea, no coughing, no anything else.  In the interest of trying to make him feel better, I offered Tylenol.  You know - the yummy, candy tasting kind.  And he cried and swooned and basically gagged it back up.  Sigh.  So I told him that he better not complain about his headache too much since he was basically refusing to take anything to help make him feel better.  I know, I'm mean.  When I offered him something to eat, he said he guessed he'd have toast, since he was sick.  I informed him that he could have anything he wanted to eat, as long as he wasn't throwing up and he looked at me like I was trying to kill him or something.  I'm not sure if he wants me to baby him a little - I'm guessing yes - but I kept him home from school and am letting him watch Star Wars so it's not like I'm not sensitive to his plight.  I just don't see the need to restrict his diet at this point.  He's probably just still holding a grudge from the Tylenol debacle of this morning.

Yesterday Jay went to have lunch with him at school.  Honestly William didn't seem too thrilled with the idea, which was kind of surprising.  Anyway, they were walking to the playground and William said, "You know, Dad, school is different now than when you were young.  It's the modern era."  Ha!  Way to make you dad feel old and confused at the same time, William.  We know all about the modern era, thank you very much.  Then, at recess, he proceeded to run around playing Cops and Robbers with some other kids.  Like that game was invented in the 21st century.

Modern era, my foot.

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