Saturday, May 3, 2014

Happy 8th Birthday, Tessa!

Today was a big day for Tessa - she turned 8!  Because her birthday was the first Saturday in May, she was able to get baptized on her birthday, which she was very excited about:

She was baptized on the same day as these cute girls from our ward - Ali and Kambree.  It was fun to share the day with her friends.
 Tessa and Jay in front of our house:

She had a really nice day.  We had all of our family from Utah as well as Grandma from Alabama here to spend her special day with us.

She was happy to get a new American Girl doll - Isabelle, the 2014 Girl of the Year.  Tessa likes her because she is a dancer and Tessa loves to dance.  She got some cute gifts from family as well.  She was able to go to a fun party for her friend Ali, where they had a blowup bounce house and water slide.  She picked Panda Express for our dinner.  All in all, she had a great day!

Happy Birthday, Tessa!  We love you!

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