Thursday, October 14, 2010

Rock On!

Henry got to Rock the Halls at school yesterday. What, you may ask, is Rock the Halls? Well, as a reward for getting a certain number of AR points (AR = Acclerated Reader, where the kids take tests on books that they read and earn points for their correct answers), he got a medal and was able to run the halls of school with the principal. Clear enough? No? Here, I'll show you:

So about 500 students and teachers lined the hallways of the school while music played on the intercom. As the principal and the honorees ran through the halls, everyone clapped, cheered and danced to the music. It lasted less than 30 seconds. But it was fun. It is probably a little more crazy when more kids earn the award, but as it is the first AR period of the year, only 6 kids in the school qualified to Rock the Halls. Still, we're proud of Henry for being such a good reader. And for Rocking the Halls like a pro.


Lori said...

How FUN!

Mom said...

Way to go Henry!!!



mstokes said...

Running in the halls? How fun!