Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Let's Hear it for the Boys!

Kids can be hard. And sometimes as a parent you wonder if the lessons that are really important are sinking in. It's nice to have solid evidence that maybe, just maybe, you're doing an OK job with them.

Today I had a PTA Meeting at Henry's school. After a quick snack, I let Henry take William and Tessa out to play in the playground. Unfortunately, they got locked out of the school (oops) and were let back in by a teacher, thank goodness. Anyway, while I was busy with my meeting, Tessa apparently confided in Henry that she needed to go to the bathroom. And, being the good big brother that he is, he took her. To the bathroom. By himself. He can be incredibly helpful sometimes and today was one of those times. Thanks, Henry!

William had good news to report as well. Today he helped a girl in class. She sits at his table and spilled her crayons all over the floor. He decided to be a good friend and got up and helped her clean them up. He's been listening during our nightly scripture study,apparently - the other night we had a scripture about setting a good example and the ways that we can help people in our lives. Jay and I specifically brought up ways that the boys could be good examples at school - helping someone who has dropped something or fallen, sharing, inviting someone new to play with them at recess. William said that "he felt happy" when he helped his new friend. What a good boy!

It almost makes me forget about all the arguing about baseball cards, the tackling in the living room, and the karate chops that went on around the house this evening. Almost.


Lori said...

awww, how sweet. You are raising great kids!

The Royal Family said...

Keep it up!!