Saturday, May 30, 2009

Slip 'n Slide

We bought a Slip 'n Slide for the kids to play with this summer. It was in the 80's today, so we had our inaugural run. Here are some pictures:

William in action:

Tessa loved her new swimsuit:
Henry and a neighborhood friend:

It was hard to get good pictures since they were basically running around the entire time. Oh well. I imagine I'll have plenty of practice this summer. Between the Slip 'n Slide and the crazy water hose attachment that we have left from last summer, there was lots of water flying around our backyard. Throw in a few popsicles and you've got yourself a party!


mstokes said...

Trevor sadi that you guys loooked like you were having a great time! Slip n Slides are great!

Mom said...

I'm glad that Tessa likes this year's bathing suit. Last year, she said that one "scratched".

Great fun pictures.



Chris and Kels said...

Looks like soooo much fun! I LOVE SUMMER!!!