Saturday, March 23, 2013

Planet Henry

Only Henry can go to the doctor and have him say the words "I'd like to see you gain some weight."  Seriously, that was our takeaway from Henry's appointment with his pediatric endocrinologist.  We see him because endocrinologists deal with thyroid issues and since Henry is so young, we were/are concerned with how his growth is effected by his cancer.  I mean, he's clear and everything still and there is no sign of cancer, but he takes medication every day and he did have a fairly large dose of radioactive iodine a few years ago so we need to watch for anything that could be causing quality of life issues for him.

And he's skinny.  Like his BMI is barely on the charts and while his height has stayed on a consistent growth curve, his weight has dropped as far as percentages go.  So we are trying to help him out by changing his medication to allow his TSH to creep up a bit (his is currently 0.02 so there is a bit of room for it to go up and still be below normal, which is necessary for people with a history of thyroid cancer) and getting him to gain weight.  Of course Henry rubbed his hands together and started dreaming of milkshakes every day.  Jay and I are trying to figure out a way to add healthy fat and calories to his diet.

And, can I just say, wouldn't that just be the ultimate day at the doctor?  Having them tell you that you need to gain weight?  I'd buy a bunch of Cadbury eggs and a Slurpee and lay off the treadmill for a while.  No problem at all.  

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