Thursday, March 7, 2013

March Medical Maladies

I always look forward to March.  The warmer (albeit still cooler than I like) weather, the increase in daylight, the melting snow.  It's a good month to say goodbye to winter.

So far, this March hasn't gone too well.  Tessa had to have two teeth pulled on Monday and it was ugly.  Jay texted me to see if the "bloodbath" was going well and I can't tell you how appropriate that description was.  I honestly had no idea that baby teeth had roots - one of her teeth looked like an elephant tusk.  As I have a serious aversion to the dentist and it's all I can do do hold myself together when I myself am in the dentist chair, sitting on the edge of the seat while my daughter is crying and distraught and bleeding isn't my idea of a good time.  Of course she rallied quickly and by early afternoon was BORED with a capital B.  She goes back in two weeks to put in a spacer for her bottom teeth.  Let's hope there is less blood involved.

Today she is home again. With pinkeye.  She has had a cold (which she thoughtfully shared with me) and her eye was a little irritated Wednesday morning but I didn't think too much of it.  By lunchtime she came and found me at the school (I was working at the Book Fair in the library) and her eye looked horrible.  A quick trip to the doctor confirmed the diagnosis so we have eye drops and another missed day of school.  She feels fine.  She has watched a movie, read books, played on the computer and helped me clean the house.  She is now playing school with her dolls and writing on the windows with magic marker.  Whatever gets her through the afternoon.

Of course William and Henry don't want to come near her for fear of contracting pinkeye and she is teasing them mercilessly.  She actually backed William up against the wall yesterday, waving her hands in his face to threaten him with her germs.  When her teacher at school tells me what a sweet and wonderful girl she is, I just smile and nod, knowing that she saves most of the sassy for home.

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