Thursday, January 10, 2013

Later, Alligator

Another Pinewood Derby has come and gone. Henry aged out of Cub Scouts and so we just had William at this year. This year's theme was Animals. His offering - an alligator head shaped car that he dubbed Later, Alligator.

It certainly wasn't the prettiest car around - Jay mentioned that he thought we'd reached a new aesthetic low with our offerings - but it was pretty fast.  He came in third overall and had the single fastest time in a race.  You can see him pointing to the time - 2.9622 seconds.   Jay was pretty excited since our boys cars generally aren't that fast.  Jay credits it to the axle that he bought from the Scout Store on Monday.  I think it's just luck.  I mean, come on - those cars are all within tenths of a second of each other.  The difference between first and last is pretty minimal. 

Still, William was happy.  All the boys seemed to have fun.  They did a good job of cheering for each other.  It was a good night.

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