Saturday, January 5, 2013


It has been incredibly cold here.  Like, highs in the single digits (and not 8 or 9 degrees, 4 or 5 degrees) and lows well below zero.  As I type this, at 8:08 pm, it is currently -2 degrees with a projected low of -12.  Say what?

It's also foggy.  And icy.  And I don't ever even want to leave the house.  But school started back last week and as nice as it is to stay home all the time when the weather is not fit for humans, things must be done. 

Tomorrow we start church back at 9 am.  Part of me is happy to have Sunday afternoons free and to be able to set up the Primary room before church starts.  Part of me is dreading having to crack my whip on Sundays to get everyone ready and out the door at a good time.

Especially when it's So. Stinking. Cold.

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