Saturday, December 15, 2012

No Words

Since this blog is very much a family journal, I was going to write a fun post about all our holiday preparations - the tree, the treats, the games.  But I'm too sad.  Every time I get on the computer to do something innocuous like check my email or google ideas for my Primary Sharing Time I see more horrific details about those poor children in Connecticut.  Every single one of them were in 1st grade.  They were Tessa's age.  And then I get teary and sad and have to turn the computer off again.

I don't know how you ever get over something like that.  I really don't.  I don't know how you even start. 

Today Jay took the kids to a movie and I wrapped presents and watched a stupid movie on TV to pass the time and I just kept thinking about those families.  It seemed like a long few hours until my family was home again and the house was noisy and happy and I was so grateful that all my kids walked in the door and started fighting about whose turn it was to play on the computer.

There really are no words.

1 comment:

Lori said...

My heart feels the same. I feel so much ache inside over this. It's hard to NOT dwell on it...especially when I have a young one the same age.