Sunday, December 23, 2012

Frowny Face

William's newest catch-phrase is to say "Frowny Face" when something displeases him.  It's like he's texting from his body.

Anyway, our little family has been sick all week long and so I'm way behind on stuff.  No neighbor gifts have been delivered.  No Primary teacher/Scout leader gifts have been delivered.  I shouldn't feel bad - we'll get to it this week and hopefully tomorrow - but I do.  I'm usually really on top of these things.

I would also post video of Tessa's Holiday Dance Revue.  I'd like to see the video myself, actually.  It was this past Wednesday and I was in bed with the stomach flu.  Literally.  I don't think I moved from the bed for more than 15 minutes total all day.  Anyway, Jay came home, got Tessa ready and took her to the recital.  He took video with his phone. 

You see where I'm heading with this, right?  Jay often takes pictures and video from his phone that I never see.  Paris is the one exception and only because I stood over him while he transferred the pictures to a jump drive for me to have.  Like most of the things that he records on his phone, I have yet to see these videos.  And I want to.   But I don't want to nag because I hate doing that.

Maybe they didn't even go to the dance recital.  Maybe they just drove around Logan for a while and then came home to check and make sure I hadn't succumbed to the plague that had gripped me that day. 

Probably not.  But I may never know for sure.

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