Thursday, March 24, 2011

Registering for Kindergarten

Today I registered my baby for kindergarten. She was so excited. They do a quick assessment with each child and while she was waiting her turn she said, "I'm so ready to start kindergarten. I already know how to sit criss-cross applesauce!"

During her assessment she wrote her name "the kindergarten way", counted crayons, talked about letters and numbers and colors and shapes, and cut out a smiley face. We left with some new crayons and a silly band, pink of course. We won't find out her class assignment until August and they'll do another assessment of her readiness before school officially starts. But she's ready. Of all my children, I feel the most confident of her readiness to start school. Part of it is her, because she is really ready to start more formal schooling. Part of it is me, because we've done this a few times now and I realize that I tend to worry about them more than I need to. At any rate, come September we'll have our youngest in kindergarten.

To celebrate I took her out to lunch. She chose Olive Garden. She had salad and breadsticks and cheese ravioli. She sat with her napkin in her lap and was so polite and well mannered. She even told me that she's not nervous to get her kindergarten shots because she knows that they will keep her healthy. We'll see how she feels when faced with the reality of a couple of booster shots in May, but for now it was a nice, calm - dare I say grown-up? - conversation.

Where in the world has the time gone?


Lori said...

Oh Rhonda, can you believe we are registering our babies for kindergarten? I am very teary and emotional over this...our open house is in May.

mstokes said...

What a cute little day. SHe'll knock them dead and keep them on their toes! I bet you bnever thought you would see the day when you were home all by yourself!