Tuesday, March 22, 2011


William - "I'm not going to kiss on the lips until I get married. Or go on my first date."

Hmmm. Nothing like setting a goal for yourself, I guess.

Also, can I just say how much I love having kids at the ages they are now (for the record, 9, 7 and almost 5)? They all sleep and go to the bathroom independently. They don't need me for Every. Tiny. Little. Thing. Oh, don't get me wrong, I love the baby phase as much as anyone. I don't even mind getting up at night with babies to nurse them, unless they are Tessa and still want to nurse multiple times a night at 13 months. But that's another issue entirely.

This morning Jay went to work early - 5:30 am - and I didn't wake up until 7:30ish. The kids were all up and downstairs and just hanging out. They did come up to see if I was awake, but they don't need me to be up with them anymore.

We're definitely in the Golden Age of Parenting. We'll see how long it lasts. Maybe until Henry decides to act all teenagery and want his own cell phone or something.

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