Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sugar and Spice

I was not in a good mood this morning. The boys were all excited to head down to Salt Lake City to watch the Utah/TCU game. Tessa isn't a fan, however, and a little young for games so I took one for the team and stayed home with her. Honestly, I was a little bummed. I was feeling left out. Tessa is pretty easy but I spend most of the day with her alone as it is so a solo Saturday with Tessa didn't sound that exciting.

How wrong I was! We have had a great day so far. She got a haircut, we went to lunch (Chili's - her choice), picked up cupcakes for a treat and went to the library. She hasn't been whiny or demanding. She's been a pleasure. Sugar and spice and everything nice.

Jay, on the other hand, is having a rough time. The Utes are getting worked at halftime. Jay's tickets are by the visitors section and Henry got pretty upset after the third touchdown when the TCU fans started chanting whatever it was that they were chanting. No swearing, thank goodness. William was happy until a box elder bug got into the popcorn he was having; freaking out ensued. Henry is grumpy because the Utes aren't doing well. I'll be shocked if they stay for the whole game. I'm sorry that they aren't having a better time.

Now I'm off to eat my cupcake and wait for Jay to text me that Henry has attacked a TCU fan and William is crying for treats without insects in them. I think I am definitely having the better day.

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