Saturday, November 20, 2010

Movie Time

Henry and I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 today. It was the first Harry Potter movie that I've seen at a theater and we both really enjoyed it. Henry is excited to see Part 2 when it comes out next July. It was nice to have a little Mom and Henry time; it doesn't happen that often.

We are also gearing up for Jay's big vacation week. He always takes a week's vacation the week of Thanksgiving and we really enjoy having him home. He loves to cook so he's usually making fun food, including homemade rolls and caramel popcorn. Once Thanksgiving Day is over we get the house decorated for Christmas. I'm able to get a little shopping done. And Jay gets a break from work. The timing this year is good because he's still a little sore from his surgery last week and I think it will be good to get a little rest as well.

We are also getting ready for William's birthday. His birthday always seems to sneak up on me, maybe because it seems so busy around this time of year with Thanksgiving and then, bam, all of the sudden it's his birthday. I don't think we'll do a party this year. We had one last year and it was really kind of crazy. It was fine; the kids were all great but we don't have a good space for entertaining half a dozen extra kids for a few hours and December in northern Utah isn't conducive to any kind of outside party. We may just do something fun like bowling or the Fun Park or a movie instead.

I kind of felt bad leaving William at home during the movie. He likes Harry Potter and has seen the other movies on DVD, but this one is rated PG13 and the book is definitely darker than the previous books. It just didn't seem like a good idea to take him, although there were lots of kids that looked to be his age in the theater so I'm sure plenty of kids in the 7 year old range do fine - just not William. He saw Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief last summer and confided to Jay that he thought the movie "should have been rated PG13" after one particularly realistic scene with Medusa. He didn't seem too bothered with missing the movie, actually, so I probably worried about it for no reason at all. Isn't that usually the case?

1 comment:

mstokes said...

What a fun date for you two. #1 Mom award!