Friday, August 27, 2010

Back to School

Yesterday was the first day of school for Henry and William. It seemed to go well. William did fine at lunch and seems interested to try school lunch. He had two recesses. His teacher is funny. He sits with Spencer on the bus. Henry was very nonchalant about the whole thing, as is typical with Henry. He liked the science experiment that they did and is excited to try out the challenge words in spelling this year. His teacher is nice. He played kickball at recess.

Things went a bit downhill as the night wore on, though. You could tell that they were both really tired. William said that being at school all day felt like he was spending his whole life at school. He perked up a bit when I reminded him that the first day is always the hardest and he'll get used to it and hey, isn't tomorrow Friday and an early out day? He seemed happy to trot off to the bus stop this morning. Henry was grumpy that his teacher requires him to not only read 20 minutes a night (that's not a big deal - both kids read for 30 minutes at night) but also write a three sentence summary about what he has read. "How will I come up with three sentences?", he moaned. Then, once he did it, he realized that it's not a big deal.

It felt so quiet around the house yesterday. Tessa and I got a ton of errands run. It was nice. Almost too quiet really. Something tells me I'll get used to it.

1 comment:

mstokes said...

That is adorable! can I say Adorable about boys? Priceless.