Part of our annual Easter tradition is a Nana-sponsored Easter Egg Hunt. She's done one for the past several years and the kids just love it. She picks out fun treats and toys for them and this year upped the ante with eggs filled with quarters. All the kids got the same amount (she used stickers to designate eggs for different kids) and had a great time looking around the yard for their treasures. William said he was "loaded". If he thinks he's loaded with a few bucks worth of quarters, who am I to tell him otherwise?
I really like this tradition for a few reasons. First, I'm not in charge of it. Second, I'd much rather take the kids to a family Egg Hunt than a community one. I've heard horror stories about kids crying and getting run over and jockeying for a pack of jelly beans. Between this and the treats that the Easter Bunny brings, the kids get plenty of stuff. I'm sure that there are lots of fun community egg hunts out there and if you take your kids to one I'm certainly not saying that your kids are running around stealing eggs and candy from random toddlers in the park, but it's just not something that I want to deal with in respect to our kids. So I rejoice in the Annual Wright Family Egg Hunt, as it saves me the trouble of doing one myself!
A few pictures from our day:
Tessa, clutching two of her "money eggs":
William and Henry on the prowl:
All the Utah cousins, minus baby Cameron who stayed in from the cold:
The kids are hoping that the Easter Bunny visits them tonight. Or if you are Henry, the "Easter Bunny", complete with air quotes. Now that he is Santa-aware, the connections are starting to be made. We'll see what tomorrow holds.
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