Thursday, April 22, 2010

Same Old, Same Old

Nothing exciting is going on with the Wrights of Hyde Park. Which is kind of a relief. It's nice to be in a good place regarding Henry's health. Spring has sprung. The kids are doing well in school and sports. Life is good. But I thought I should blog something for those family members and friends who check in on us. So:

*Henry's soccer team is undefeated. It's his first year in the U10 age group and he's the youngest on the team. He enjoys playing and we think it's good for him to be on a team with older kids - he learns alot from them.

*William's soccer team is doing well also. They have won two games and lost one, but they don't really keep track of the score; actually they don't even have referees this year. The coaches run around and help the kids on the field and there is no goalie. William has scored a few goals and is much more engaged with the whole thing than he was last year.

*Tessa can write her name. I should take a picture and post it - it's pretty cute. She also has learned a song in Primary called "Follow the Prophet" and loves to sing it. The only verse she knows is about Adam and she sings that he lived "in a place called Even". I would make a video to share but our video camera is not working right for some reason.

*Jay is busy at work. He's been to New York and Seattle in recent weeks and is heading out again next week. We don't like it when he's gone but we're grateful that he has a good job so we grin and bear it.

*I'm busy with the kids and at home. I'm trying to figure out the scheduling of summer activities this year. Henry and William will have baseball in June and Henry has a Cub Scout camp to attend as well. I want all the kids to take swimming but they are balking. I will for sure sign William and Tessa up but Henry insists that he isn't going to take swim lessons. I even told him that if he wanted to participate in a sports camp that he enjoys that he had to agree to do swim lessons and he said no. Sigh. He's definitely his father's son.

*Jay and I are disappointed that the Sting concert that was scheduled for June 10th and for which we had tickets has been cancelled. Well, I'm disappointed. Because I heart Sting. Yes I realize how much that ages me but I don't care. Anyway, it's probably for the best. Jay was going along just to humor me and we still have the U2 concert on June 3rd.

*We are all celebrating the purchase of our new dishwasher. The one we have been using was fine - it cleaned OK but it was loud. Recently we've been noticing that it has been much, much louder and making these weird grinding noises so we decided to pull the trigger on a new one. Jay had enough American Express points saved up to trade for a Home Depot gift card and we used it for a new dishwasher. It's wonderful! It's so much bigger inside and quieter and the dishes even feel cleaner when they come out.

So yeah, not much going on. It's been awhile since we've been this normal. Isn't it great?

Oh, and did I mentioned that Henry's thyroglobulin was 0.1? :)

1 comment:

Mom said...

Sounds like "life is good."

