Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Store Bought Mom

Hey, look at that.  I took pictures at Halloween.  Notice that the only costumed Wright this year was Tessa (as Hermione from the Harry Potter books).  The Wright kids are getting older, I guess.

I was able to help with Tessa's class party this year.  When Henry was little class parties stressed me out but at this point I'm pretty chill about it.  Lots of moms are willing to help so all I had to do was organize and buy treats.  I went with pumpkin shaped sugar cookies and frosting from a local store.  The kids were able to decorate their cookies and eat or take them home.  It was fun.

One of the kids asked me if I made the frosting for the cookies.  Before I could answer, Tessa piped up and said, "no.  She's more of a store-bought mom."

Yep.  That's me.  But at least I bring cookies from the store.

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