Thursday, August 21, 2014

School Days!

Today was the first day of school.  Other than Tessa throwing up (she has developed a really nervous stomach, bless her heart), things seemed to go well and everyone got to school.  It's only 9:30 am as I type this so hopefully things are OK.  I'm excited for the kids.  I'm really happy with William and Tessa's teachers and I anticipate them having a good school year.  Henry is at a new school this year - North Cache 8-9 Center - which I know nothing about but he's excited to go.  He's less excited about riding the bus again after two years at a school down the street but that's life.

William (5th Grade) and Tessa (3rd Grade)
Henry (8th Grade)

1 comment:

Lori said...

They've gotten so big!!!