Friday, November 1, 2013

Lamest. Mom. Ever.

To show you just how lame I am, I didn't even get Halloween pictures this year.  None at all.

Tessa was Hermione from Harry Potter - she is currently reading the third book in the series and loves it.

William was a basketball player.  I made him put on shorts to go trick or treating because it just looked like he was going to school wearing a Jazz jersey.

And Henry didn't trick or treat this year.  We made the decision for him and told him no.  He isn't interested in dressing up at all and was just going to put on a jersey and basketball shorts again if a friend wanted to go.  I told him at some point that you are just a kid going around asking for candy and it wasn't cute anymore.  He ended up playing Wii with a friend until 8 o'clock while the trick or treaters came and went. We had some candy left over so he will still get some treats.

I did, however, let Henry go over to a neighborhood house that really goes all out.  They make scones!  I have never gone because Jay typically takes the kids out for Halloween but this is everyone's favorite - they make scones out in their driveway for one and all.  Very fun.

All in all, a fun Halloween in a fun time of year.  I guess it's the Christmas season now, at least according to my email inbox.  I swear every email from a vendor or retailer was Christmas themed.  I can only hope I will remember to take pictures on Christmas morning.  Sigh.

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