Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Walking Dictionary

Last year William won the "Walking Dictionary" award in his 2nd grade class.  He is always using big words (correctly, I might add), so much so that the other kids would ask him to define their vocabulary words in class.   His larger than average vocabulary coupled with his still developing speech (he is in speech at school working on his R and S sounds) can make for some funny moments.  Jay and I try not to laugh but sometimes we can't help it.

Today I was teasing William about something at dinner and he said, "you know, Mom, you are about 93% humorous."  Bless his heart.  I didn't have the guts to ask him about the other 7%.   I'm not sure I really want to know.

School is going along well.  I'm cautiously optimistic that we will have a smoother-than-normal transition this year.  William has only had one after-school meltdown, which is a vast improvement from this time last year.  Tessa comes home from school most days looking hammered but she rallies after a snack and a few minutes in the air-conditioned comfort of home and wants to play until she collapses into bed around 8:15.  I have to wake her up around 7:15 in the morning because she is sooooooo sllllooooowww getting ready for the day that she'd miss the bus if I let her sleep any later.  Anyway, she seems fine. 

Middle school is interesting for Henry.  He actually has homework this year but so far he hasn't complained too much about it.  His alarm wakes him up at 6 (*yawn*) and he leaves for school at 7.  So far he walks to and from school but soon enough it will be too dark for him to walk so we (and by we, I mean Jay) will drive him to school.  I imagine he'll still walk home unless the weather is bad.   Funny story, though - he thought he could only use his locker during the school day.  One day he brought home two huge binders and a big textbook when he had zero homework.  When I explained that he could leave anything he didn't need for the night in his locker at school, he was geniunely surprised. 

And so September goes......

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