Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sale Day

Every other year or so my friend Melissa and I organize a garage sale.  We use it as an opportunity to purge and organize our houses while making a little extra money.  We price things low - because really, the whole point of the sale is to get rid of stuff.  We try to get some friends to participate but I'm lame and usually forget to ask people until the week before and then it's too late.  So - if you are my friend and want to do a garage sale in two years - ask me!  It will take me that long to accumulate enough stuff to really do it but I'm all in for 2014.

We have a great location - Melissa has connections so we set up in the parking lot of a local business.   We make fun of each others stuff and what we are selling.  We laugh.  Alot.  This year the big joke was muffins.  Nicole and her husband both brought us muffins to snack on.  We left the container in my mini-van where people were coming to pay for their purchases and people kept asking me how much I was charging for the muffins.  They weren't really for sale but I charged 50 cents and probably sold 10 or so.  I gave all the money to Nicole, since she provided the muffins, but it was just so funny to have people wanting to buy our snacks.  One poor grandma had just bought a bunch of stuff and only had a quarter left so I just gave her one.  Bless her heart.

I didn't make as much money as I have in past years but that's OK.  My house is cleaner and more clutter free.  I can walk around my basement without turning sideways.   I earned enough money to pay for my upcoming haircut and color and a tank of gas.  Can't complain.

See you in 2014!

1 comment:

mstokes said...

I went shopping with my $$ today!it was great. Clutter free and 5 new shirts!