Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Round Up

Hey, look at that.  It's already mid-May.  Lots has happened since my last post.

Tessa lost her first tooth.  I wish I had a picture but I'm the worst mother in the world and I hate running for the camera every time something happens.  I think Jay took one with his nifty new iPhone but I don't have one so just imagine sweet Tessa with a bottom tooth missing and the one next to it dangling dangerously by a thread.

Henry finished core testing at school - you know, the year-end kind - and did so great!  He got 97 in Science, a 98 in Language Arts and a 100 in Math.  Yes, 100!  That's my boy.  He will be receiving two awards at Awards Day later this month - the Great American Award (that he earned before Christmas and involved stuff like knowing all the states and capitals and memorizing the Gettysburg Address) and the Presidential Award (for getting 90% or above on all of his core tests).  We are so proud of him.  As a side note, it kind of surprised me when he came home with his scores just days after taking the tests.  Back in the day (*cough*1970's*cough*) you took core tests with paper and pencil and filled in all the bubbles on the paper.  It took months to get your scores back.  Not in 2012, though.  Which is kind of fun.

William is ready to be out of school.  There are only 2 1/2 weeks left in school and he is constantly devising ways to stay home.  Last week he complained that he had "buckled" his knee during recess.  Unfortunately he forgot which knee was injured and tried limping around on the wrong one.  Today he wanted to stay home because Henry had a field trip.  Say what?  I finally told him that there were only a few days left of school and he was going and to quit the monkey business.  I mean, I get it.  I'm ready for school to be out too.  I'm just as sick of the whole homework routine as he is - maybe more, because I'm the resident Homework Enforcer around here.  I am also getting sick of his complaints however.  At this rate June 1st can't come soon enough.

And then we'll begin the countdown for August 23rd.  Not quite in June, but by August 1st we'll all be ready for school to start.  But before then we have baseball and Yellowstone and all kinds of summer fun to entertain us. 

Only 17 more days!

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