Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Two Down...

Notice anything different about William?

Another child who inherited my stellar vision.  I think they look snazzy.

I would post pictures from Easter but we were in Ogden and I left our camera at home (again) and although Jay took some pictures with his fancy phone he has never forwarded them on to me.  Suffice it to say that lots of candy was ingested and the kids loved Nana Bunny's Easter Egg hunt.  She has started putting money in the plastic eggs so the kids net a few dollars for their efforts.  It paid off for Henry and William, as they had not had a good behavior week and they had a few bucks to pay for their fuzz balls.

Spring is progressing.  It's been a nice, warm spring.  We aren't doing soccer so our evenings are freer than is typical this time of year.  School is winding down and we're all looking forward to having a summer break to play a little bit.

I wonder if we'll make it through the summer with William's glasses intact?  I wouldn't place any bets on it. 

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