Monday, February 21, 2011

Just Dance

You've heard of this Wii game, right? I had heard of it and thought it sounded stupid, to be honest. But Henry has played it at a friends house and talked William into saving his money so that they could buy it. I knew then that they were serious - it takes something pretty special for the boys to actually save their allowances for more than a few days after getting it. Anyway, they finally got enough money saved (minus a few bucks for tax, but I'm not completely heartless) so we got it on Saturday.

And it's fun! I'm shocked, but there you have it. It's fun to watch the kids play it. Even Jay got in on the action and Jay doesn't dance. Seriously, I think we have danced together once in all the time we have been together. But he decided to show off his moves for the kids and, well, lets just say there is a reason that Jay doesn't dance. :)

We had a dance-off tonight for Family Home Evening and I dominated! On my first try! I guess all those practices when I was on the high school dance team payed off. What? You're going to remind me that I graduated from high school 25 years ago? I challenge you to a dance off! I rock at Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go!

1 comment:

Kassey said...

i love that you rocked it! i heard it was so fun, I will have to give it a try!!!