Tuesday, February 16, 2010


...we go radioactive. Henry has already had his tracer dose (a low dose of radioactive iodine that they use to test the uptake in the thyroid cells) and said that "it tasted good." It was interesting walking into a room called the Hot Lab with all kinds of Warning...Radioactive Material signs posted. And then I just sat back and had him drink some of that radioactive material.

Tomorrow he doesn't even get to go to the Hot Lab. They will give him his dose of radioactive iodine (or RAI as we say in the thyroid cancer world) in his own little lead-lined room at the Huntsman Cancer Hospital, presumably so he isn't walking the halls, excreting radioactivity as he goes. Henry seems fairly nonchalant about the whole thing - the doctor called him Spiderman and told him that his only job tomorrow was to "drink lots of fluids and pee", since that is the best way to decrease the radioactivity in the first 24 hours. He laughed and asked me to buy him some Sprite to drink tomorrow. I'm still a little freaked out about the whole thing but I really feel good about our chances of having a cancer free Henry so that helps me not freak out as much.

Henry is also looking forward to dropping the low iodine diet that he's been on for two weeks. I think he's planning on pizza, pizza, and more pizza. And Oreos. And Gatorade. And ice cream. Maybe a trip to McDonald's thrown in for good measure. We may go broke feeding Henry's cravings over the next few days, but that's OK. He's been a really good sport about this whole thing (for the most part) and we're happy to have this almost over.

Prayers, as always, are appreciated. I'll update sometime over the next few days, depending on when I can wrestle Jay's work laptop away from him. We were going to borrow the iTouch that they have at work so that we can both play around on the internet (as opposed to staring at Henry as he drinks and pees), but apparently it was needed for some big meeting tomorrow and Thursday. The nerve!

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