Friday, May 17, 2013

Election Day

Apparently the last few weeks of school in 1st Grade is pretty kick-back.  They don't do core testing this young so they don't have tests to plan around and seem to try and fit in some fun, different kinds of projects. Case in point - what Tessa calls "Community".

Apparently they set up their classroom as a mini-community.  Everyone has jobs.  Tessa came home and informed me that she wanted to be the Mayor and she needed to make some campaign posters.  Here is an example:

The election was today.  She lost.  She didn't seem too upset, although she did tell me that she was "sad in my heart" that she didn't get to be the Mayor.  The Mayor is a good friend of hers who gave out candy (!) as an incentive for voting for her.  No wonder Tessa lost.  It didn't even occur to me to send candy - I just got out the markers and poster board and let her color for a while.  

Oh well.  She is the Mayor's assistant.  She seemed relieved because she really, really didn't want to be the garbage man.

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