Sunday, November 18, 2012

Date Night Saturday Night

Tessa is not a sports fan.  She attends her brother's sporting events when she has to but if there isn't a friend or a playground nearby, she can be whiny because she gets bored.  We don't even bother trying to take her to the big-league sports stuff that the boys love - Ute games, Jazz games, Yankees games.  Oh, she's been to a Yankees game.  In 2009, we went to Southern California and ended the trip with a Yankees/Angels game.  I ended up spending $30 on stickers for her to play with at the game and she still got bored.  She still gets to do fun things - Wright Boys Sports Days tend to turn into Wright Girls Night Out where she and I go to dinner and other fun things, like manicures and Barbie movies.

Last week, however, Jay came up with an idea to get her to a big-ticket event.  Someone he knows through work offered him tickets to Disney on Ice, which was playing down in Salt Lake City.  Jay snapped up two tickets and treated Tessa to a Daddy-Daughter date.

Here they are before the show:

Jay said she liked the show fine but didn't like the drive down too much and kept asking him when they would be there.  Dinner was a huge disappointment to Jay - with the whole of Salt Lake City to choose from, she chose......Carl's Jr.  He tried to talk her into pretty much anything else but she resisted. And so he caved.  Carl's Jr. it was.  As you know, you never argue with your date.  Especially when your date really, really wants to try star-shaped chicken nuggets.

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