She came home Wednesday morning. Wednesday wasn't a good day. She threw up off and on all day and could barely keep water down, much less pain medication. She slept fairly well Wednesday night and made marked improvement today. She stopped vomiting and started eating. I was able to figure out how hide her ibuprofen (thank heavens for my garlic press) in a spoonful of ice cream so I was able to get three good doses of pain medication in her without any tears (since she was terrified to take anything after throwing everything up the day before, the ice cream trick is being kept a secret). She perked up and moved between the family room and my room, watching TV and movies and just hanging out.
She probably could have used a nap but didn't take one today. By the end of the day she was wiped out and sobbed at the thought of a bath, even though she desperately needed one. We compromised on a sponge bath and hair washing, accomplished by having her sit with her back against the bathtub and leaning her head backwards over the side. I'm going to have to find some button up tops for her to wear because switching out her shirts is guaranteed to induce tears. But we made it through the day and she went to bed around 7:30. Her friend Easton brought a balloon over and I hung it on her doorknob so that she could see it. She's got some good friends who have brought over balloons, treats, Rapunzel jammies (sleeveless ones - hooray!) and a stuffed animal, whom she named Dork and is sleeping with tonight.
Hopefully tomorrow I can coax her into her sling (she's not a fan) and out of the house for a bit, at least to sit in a chair and get some fresh air. If all goes well, we'll be at the baseball fields tomorrow night, cheering on Henry and William as they play their games. Nana and Aunt Laura are coming for a visit on Saturday, which will cheer her up.
Let's hope we don't spend any more nights in CVSH. I've seen enough of room 101, thank you very much. Come on William, we're counting on you!
Sweet little thing! Give her a week or so and she'll be bopping around with one arm! Goodthings that kids bounce back pretty quick.
Poor girl!!! It'll be a summer to remember! I hope she heals quickly!
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