Monday, May 23, 2011

Dancing Queen

Tessa's dance recital was Saturday night. The boys weren't thrilled to go sit in an auditorium for 2 hours and watch 38 dance routines, only two of which featured their sister. They complained more than I thought they would beforehand, actually, and it really bugged me. I pointed out that over the years Tessa has spent more hours than I can count at basketball, soccer, baseball and cub scout activities and she rarely complains. Oh, she'll complain about having to sit out in the rain during a soccer game, but I'm right there with her on that one so I can't blame her. And I believe she got a little antsy last fall at Henry's 4th grade class poetry reading. Again, I kind of can't blame her; watching 31 4th-graders read two original poems each wasn't the most exciting hour-plus I've ever spent either. My point was, however, that she has gone to plenty of their activities so once a year they can suck it up and watch her dance, darn it!

Her class did two dances. The jazz/ballet number was to True Love's Kiss, from the movie Enchanted. It was really cute and they did a good job. During their tap number they got a little confused. It was to a song called April Showers and they had umbrellas that they had to put down and move around and pick up again. Apparently it was a little too much for them because they got confused and just ended up grabbing random umbrellas to finish the number. Again, however, cute. As soon as I get the DVD I'll try and post the videos. Until then, the only picture I got of her that day is below:

She looks flushed because the finale involved all the classes on stage at the same time, doing sign language and dancing to a song that was pretty long. With all the bodies on stage and the lights, she was really hot.

After the recital the boys were good and told her that they liked her dances and had a good time. I didn't sit by them (I had to sit by Tessa in the back with her class so Jay, the boys, Nana, Great Nana, Laura and cousin Boston sat closer to the front) so I'm not sure how sincere they were but they were nice and sweet to her so that's all I care about.

She's already talking about taking dance next year, which is just fine with me. It's fun for her and gives her a fun activity outside of school to enjoy. Henry and William are already gearing up for next year's dance review, I can tell.

1 comment:

Chris and Kels said...

ADORABLE!! She told us all about it on Sunday :)