Sunday, April 3, 2011

Scenes from a Conference Sunday

Here is William, getting ready for the Sunday morning session of General Conference: A favorite activity is Conference Bingo. The kids each get to choose a treat to use as bingo markers and they get to fill in their cards as they listen to the talks. This years treats were Pretzel M&M's for Henry and Tessa and gummy bears for William. This activity loses it's appeal after an hour or so, but they do listen pretty well.
Here is the clan, trying desperately to be the first to get BINGO! Jay is either helping Tessa or doubling as her jungle gym for the morning.

This year we asked the kids what their goals were for General Conference. Henry's goal was to listen to one full session of Conference, William's was to listen to President Monson's talk, and Tessa's was to get a Bingo. They all accomplished their goals this year. Generally they do pretty well on Sunday mornings - they get antsy around 11:30 but they do a good job listening. We find coloring pages and word puzzles to keep them occupied once the allure of Bingo wears off.

They are now watching Where The Red Fern Grows, per Henry's request. He read the book at school with his class and they watched the original movie; this movie is the remake that was done several years ago. I refuse to watch it because, well, you know. Oh, and funny story. Last month Jay was driving Henry home after a dentist appointment and they got on the subject of school. The conversation went something like this:

Henry - We're reading Where The Red Fern Grows in school.

Jay - Have you gotten to the part where the dogs die?

Henry (stricken) - The dogs die?


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