Monday, November 15, 2010

Bucket Lists

Jay went on a minor home improvement tear last week. All these little things that kept getting pushed aside apparently moved their way to the top of the list early last week. Why? He had minor surgery on Thursday and would be unable to lift or move around too much for a while. Theres a good chance that we'll have snow on the ground before he is cleared to go back to full activity so he was digging and climbing and doing all kinds of things. It was nice but I was a bit confused about the urgency. I mean, we've lived without the garage door opener light bulb working for a while now; surely it can wait. But Jay doesn't like to leave things undone so the night before his surgery was spent on his version of a Bucket List. He even asked me if I wanted him to put the Christmas tree up early so I wouldn't have to lift and/or drag it by myself. Since it was only November 10th, I said I'd try to manage on my own after Thanksgiving. Which is coming up next week. How did that happen?

Anyway, Jay is fine. He went back to work today, although he's planning to come home early. He's sore and it's hard for him to get up and down but he's better. I feel bad for him, though. He was looking forward to sitting on the couch on Saturday watching the Utes play Notre Dame. But they got killed - again - and he was kind of a captive audience. It was like he couldn't look away. Oh well - maybe he'll get his coveted Rose Bowl trip next year.

In other news, I have a new calling at church. I'm the Primary President. If you are LDS, feel free to pause and laugh at the thought of me as the Primary President. If you aren't LDS, Primary is the organization in the LDS church that serves the children ages 18 months to 12 years old. It's basically Sunday School - we have lessons and classes and music. It's a big responsibility to be over this organization and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. There is a reason that I chose to specialize in Secondary Education when I was contemplating a teaching career; I just don't feel like teaching or working with young children is a strength of mine. But I have great people to work with and lots of resources to draw from and I'm sure it'll be fine. It'll probably end up being fun. At some point. Right now I have a headache just thinking about it.

And to be clear, being Primary President wasn't on my bucket list. Not even a little.


Mel Wright said...

Congrats on the new calling. It will be fun and rewarding in a way you never imagined!

mstokes said...

Your just perfect for th job!