Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trick or Treat

It's Halloween! Well, kind of. It's October 30th, but since Halloween is on Sunday this year everyone in our neck of the woods is trick-or-treating tonight. It's cool and rainy but the kids (and Jay) are perservering and out begging for candy as I type. This year we had Harry Potter, Princess Tiana (from The Princess and the Frog) and Anakin Skywalker (pre-Darth Vader). Here they are:

We've had a crazy week. We started with the stomach flu. Always fun, the stomach flu. Everyone but Jay was felled by it this time but at least it happened pre-Halloween this year so no one missed any festivities. Tessa had a party at dance class on Tuesday, there was a carnival at Cub Scout Pack Meeting on Thursday night (and Henry got his Bear award - yay!), and all three kids had Halloween parties at school on Friday. There was lots of fun to be had in Hyde Park and we enjoyed it all.

The kids were pretty hyper today in anticipation of the big night. Luckily we were able to layer everyone up with jackets and hoods and Jay has an umbrella in one hand and an iTouch in another, trying to keep everyone dry and check the Ute football score at the same time. Never let it be said that we don't spend quality time with our children!

Happy Halloween!

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