How is it that I had never heard of the game Pretty, Pretty Princess until this week? I guess because we've never been in the market for a princess-themed, jewelry dress-up, perfect for a 4 year old girl game before.
Tessa loves this game! We play it multiple times a day. Unfortunately, she's at the age where losing is frustrating, as in "I'm going to throw my princess jewelry across the room" frustrating. This happened on Sunday afternoon, when Jay beat her handily. When she threw a fit, throwing plastic jewelry all around the living room, she lost her Pretty, Pretty Princess privilege for Monday. She wasn't happy with this development. She carried the game around hopefully all morning, asking me if I was sure she had lost her privilege. Her lip quivered. Tears ran down her cheeks. But I persevered, because really how will she learn?
Today she got her Pretty, Pretty Princess game privilege back. So we played. And played. And played. It was a rainy day so we played a lot.
Her favorite item is the crown:

She was so excited to regain her game privilege that she called all her stuffed animal friends to watch. She set them up in front of the game so that they wouldn't miss any of the action. From left to right, we have Koala, Butterfly Bear, and Tasha:

I just think this picture is cute. Jay certainly rocks the plastic earrings and crown, doesn't he?
So, come to visit at your own risk. If you are sitting down for any length of time, Tessa will bat her eyelashes and ask you to play Pretty, Pretty Princess with her. Just don't win too often or you'll be fishing your jewelry out from behind the couch.
1 comment:
I probably should have warned you.
I have played this game with Emily
and Sydney, although I seem to loose all the time!!! Maybe grandmas' are just slower, or
maybe they just get a kick out of
being "teased" all the time because
they loose at all the grandkids
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