Every year on the day before Thanksgiving we get the kids pictures made; it's turned into kind of a Thanksgiving holiday tradition. The kids are out of school that day and Jay is typically off work, enjoying his yearly Thanksgiving Week vacation. So we make the first appointment of the day (10:00 am) and troup everyone down to the mall for a picture or two. After the pictures are made, Jay buys the kids a cookie and takes them home to change and I stay and make our purchases.
Here is the result of this years photo shoot:

They actual prints of the pictures look better than the online proofs because you can crop them and play around with the colors a bit; I like to do what they call a "dark vignette" color overlay because it makes the colors pop a bit. But you can get a general idea of how it turned out. It took quite a bit of time to get halfway decent pictures of William and Henry - they grimace more than they smile for pictures, which is too bad because William has quite a cute smile, dimples included, when he smiles naturally. Tessa was in her element, of course. She sat and smiled and smiled and did pretty much what she was supposed to do. She loved it.
As for Jay and I, at least we're done with the holiday photo shoot until next year. With all the complaining that goes on ("I don't want to wear a tie!" and "Don't use gel on my hair!" being the primary complaints from the boys) we can't do it more than once a year. Unless it's just Tessa. She'd have her picture made once a month if we let her.
1 comment:
Love the photos. My but you three are all growing up so FAST. Great tradition Mum and Dad as all too soon they will have left home. Seems you are enjoying your week off Jay. Would love to swap countries with you at the moment...it is 40 degrees in the shade in Aussie at the moment
love Bev and Max XX
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