Tessa is really into choosing her own clothes for the day. She sits in the rocking chair in her room every morning as I show her her clothing options. On a good day, she says "Yes" to the first outfit that I show her. On a normal day we go through her entire wardrobe before finding something that meets her approval. I suppose I should find this tedious, but it's just such a novelty for me to have a child who actually cares about what she wears that I find it fun in a weird way. The boys squawk if they are forced to wear anything without a number or sports logo or picture on it and William often manages to pick a shirt/pants combination that just doesn't match. You'd think I'd learn my lesson and only buy him blue jeans.
Today's outfit was especially fun because Tessa has fall/Halloween accessories to wear. You can't really see the bracelet that matches the necklace she is wearing or the pumpkin hair clip in the picture, but trust me, she was looking quite coordinated today.
My favorite thing, though, is the enthusiasm that she has for her outfits and the complete lack of enthusiasm that the boys show her in return. She got right in William's face and waved her arm in front on him to show him her bracelet, saying, "Look at my Halloween bracelet, William. Do you like it?" He groaned and said, half-heartedly, "sure, Tessa." Then he ran back upstairs to find a pair of pants that actually match his shirt of the day.
Later, when I asked him if he wanted me to find a Halloween themed shirt for him, he looked horrified. Just checking.
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