I know I listed this as my favorite chick flick in my blog entry entitled "75 Things About Me", but this entry isn't about the movie. It's about getting mail. Because there is just something fun about going to the mail box and checking the mail. Sometimes there's a huge letdown - like when I get the electric bill in mid-August when I know we've run the air conditioner pretty much non stop for a month and it's going to be huge. Or when all we get are on Tuesday are the ads, because even though we like to look at what William calls "the good deal papers" for, well, good deals, it's just not personal. But most days the mail can be fun. The kids crack me up - if they are with me (and they normally are) when we check the mail, they always ask, "did I get anything?" Sadly, the answer is normally, "I'm sorry, no." Actually, the answer is closer to, "No, you didn't get anything. And quit complaining about it. Do you want to use your allowance to help pay the electric bill? Because if that's the case, I'll give it to you." I'm not very sympathetic towards the kids and their lack of personal correspondence. Soon enough they'll get credit card solitications and all the fun mail that comes with being an adult. But, for now, Jay and I are the recipients of most of the mail that arrives on a daily basis.
Today was different. Today, not only did the kids get mail, they got a package. From Grandma. And of course packages from Grandma generally bring treats and fun things. Henry received some baseball cards and M&M's. Tessa got some dress up beads and bracelets and M&M's. William got some new play dinosaurs and M&M's. Here they are with their gifts. Thanks Grandma!

Ignore the marks on Tessa's face. She face planted on the sidewalk yesterday on the way to church and scraped up her nose. They should fade away soon enough.
I even received a CD with pictures of the kids that Grandma took during one of her summer visits. Sadly, no M&M's for me. Hmmph. I guess we see where Grandma's priorities are.
Getting a package from grandma is up there with Christmas! That is fun that you get to show her their happy little faces too! Way to go Grandma! P.S. Keep your distance - We have a slight case of the flu!
Next time I'll be sure
you get your M&Ms!!
http://www.happymailforkids.ca/ not that I can yet justify doing this... but it's such a great idea. Since I think getting a letter in the mail is a lost art!
great to read your blog. I shall be sure to keep an eye on it from now on.Great way to keep a journal too!!Love the winter snow piccies in the back yard.
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