As expected, Jay won the family bracket competition. He had both Michigan State and UNC in the title game and he correctly chose UNC as the NCAA Champion. Luckily, I came in second, as I beat Henry by a whopping 3 points. Henry took his third place finish well - his exact words were, "not bad for my first bracket." There's always next year.
But the really exciting news is that Jay won his office pool. I won't say how much money he won, but let's just say it's enough to buy a few things that we want to buy before we head to Southern California this summer. He could have won more, actually, but he split the entrance fee with a coworker and so he splits the winnings with him as well.
What's kind of funny about the whole thing is that Henry was asking him last night what he was going to win. Jay certainly wasn't going to tell him money, since the whole office pool thing is a somewhat gray area in regards to gambling, so he said, "I get a big congratulations and some pats on the back." Henry didn't buy this for a second, so Jay said, "people buy me a lot of soda." I'm not sure he believed that explanation either, but it was time for bed so he dropped the subject and seemed to forget about it today. So if you are keeping track, just yesterday Jay participated in gambling (depending on how hard core you are about the definition of gambling - obviously we go by the liberal definition) and lying (but does it count as lying if you just don't want to deal with an explanation of office pools to your 7 going on 25 year old son? Perhaps not). Maybe he can make up for those shortcomings by doing some good deeds - like putting all the kids to bed tonight.
So March Madness is over for another year. I think I'll be sitting next year out - I don't think my fragile ego could take another loss to Jay, much less a loss to Henry. They can duke it out for family supremacy on their own.
Horray for Jay! Gotta love a little extra "CHUMP CHANGE!"
You better watch out, Henry
may have dropped the"office
pool" because next year he is
going to suggest a "Wright famiy
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