It isn't as inequitable as it sounds. Before Jay's surgery we were planning a big family vacation to Seattle. We were going to see a friend of Jay's, catch a Yankees game, sight-see in Seattle and take the ferry over to Victoria Island (or is it Vancouver Island? I don't know) for a day or so. Plans changed after Jay didn't have quite as much time off as he thought and we didn't have quite as much disposable income as we thought. But Jay's good friend Scott was able to get tickets to the Yankees/Mariners so Jay took the boys to see the sights and watch some baseball. They were actually able to see two games, see some sights in Seattle and meet one of their favorite players in the whole world.
Henry on the field during batting practice:
The boys on the Space Needle:
A signed ball by Derek Jeter.

Since Tessa has little to no patience for baseball - she can barely make it through a little league game - we decided to stay home. We took a little trip to Salt Lake City for an overnight trip and had some fun of our own:
We went to the planetarium. Foucault's Pendulum kept Tessa occupied for a while:
While at the planetarium we saw the IMAX movie - Madagascar: Island of Lemurs. It was fun.
The best stop of the day - Build A Bear Workshop so Tessa could pick out a new friend with some money from her birthday. Meet Jade the Panda!
All in all everyone had a good time on their respective adventures. Tessa would not have been happy spending 6 hours at the ballpark on two consecutive days. William and Henry would not have been happy spending over an hour in Build a Bear while Tessa shopped for her new stuffed animal. Everyone's a winner!