Jay and I try to be responsible about money. We have a budget and we do a pretty good job of sticking to it. We don't go out and buy the latest and greatest of anything, no matter how tempting it is. Jay certainly likes his technology, but he gets a pretty good fix at work where they provide new products on a fairly regular basis. He has a cool phone with all kinds of applications; I have a silly prepaid phone that is a few years old. The other day I accidently hung up on a member of our bishopric who had called to talk to me about Primary. He incredulously asked me, "did you hang up on me?" when he called back. And I had to explain about my lame phone that likes to hang up on people.
Anyway, we've resisted getting newer "stuff" for a while. We caved on getting a Wii last winter, but that was after Henry's cancer diagnosis and we felt the need to overcompensate for his lack of fun during January, February and March. We have an old-school DVD player that still plays VCR tapes as well. Our computer is older than Tessa and I pray every morning that it makes it a little while longer. And until Saturday, our TV was one of the older, boxy 27" TV's. We bought it a few years ago and it worked just fine. No immediate plans to replace it. Until.....
....we awoke to no sound from our satellite TV. Well, there was sound, but it was static. We tried a bunch of things to narrow down the problem and figured out that it was something to do with the satellite TV - the TV worked fine with the DVD player, the VCR and the Wii. But could we be sure? What if there was some kind of compatibility issue that was rearing it's ugly head? We didn't wait to find out - by late afternoon we were the proud owners of a new, larger, flatscreen TV with HD capability. The satellite guy came yesterday and the sound problem was just a cabling issue. If we had been patient, we would have been just fine. But we weren't and honestly maybe we were looking for an excuse to buy a new TV. It didn't take us long to jump on that purchase.
The kids love it. Tessa said that, "it was the best day ever" and kept hugging the box. Henry and William just stared at it, even with the sound not working on the TV. Jay and I like it, too.
Welcome to the 21st Century, Wright family.